Mercedes Benz related questions

I am thinking about purchasing a new car from Mercedes Benz. However, I am not sure if I should buy C-300, CLA-250 or E-350. Any suggestions? And, should I lease or purchase a new car? Also, how about pre-owned vehicle? Thanks for the help.
wordpress 2016-07-01 23:31:54 1 Answer 926 views 0

Answers ( 1 )

    2016-07-06 12:21:13

    C/CLA/E class fall in different price range, So it depends on your budget. However, the 2017 E class is completely redesigned, so dealerships are currently clearing up the 2016 E class inventory, and willing to give customers big discounts.

    For example, some southern California Mercedes dealerships are doing 20% off MSRP for the existing 2016 E class in stock, so it is a good time to pick up the E class for much less money.

    Personally I do not recommend buy a pre-owned German luxury car, because of the big discount on new cars and they usually depreciate very fast, and are more costly to maintain after warranty expiration.

    You can try leasing a new Mercedes, if the factory preset residual value is high enough. For all aspects related to negotiating price and leasing, please see our comprehensive tutorial here:

    Car Purchasing Tutorial

    If you decide to lease, please do remember to use our lease calculator to make sure dealership does not play tricks with you - there are lots of pitfalls in a leasing contract, without our lease calculator, you are very likely to pay more here and there throughout the lease contract:

    Lease Calculator

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